We have all been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic – and mental health has never been so much in the spotlight. This is an opportunity to underline the importance of mental health and to ensure appropriate understanding of the needs of patients, now as well as post-COVID.
This is why GAMIAN-Europe has taken the initiative to carry out a survey, focusing on the patient experience and patient needs, both in the short as well as in the longer term.
By means of this survey we aimed to facilitate informed discussion on the specific challenges faced by mental health patients during the COVID-19 crisis.
The survey was translated in 13 languages and gathered over 500 respondents. The outcomes of the survey have served to inform the development of a report.
GAMIAN-Europe was invited to present the findings of the survey at the European Public Health Week and at the High-Level Commission Event on Mental Health.

If you are interested in knowing more about this project, please contact us at executive.director@gamian.eu