WHO MH Action Plan

European Parliament Interest Group on Mental Health, Well-being and Brain Disorders

Tuesday 17 December, 12:30 – 14.00

The WHO’s Mental Health Action Plan


Welcome and introductions
Marian Harkin MEP
Antonyia Parvanova MEP

Matt Muijen, Programme Manager Mental Health and Neurodegenerative Disorders, WHO Regional Office for Europe:  The WHO Mental Health Action Plan: Putting the person central
IG 20141217 presentation M Muijen WHO MH Action Plan

Response from policy makers:

European Commission: Juergen Scheftlein, Policy Officer, DG SANCO
Council of Ministers: Dimitrios Florinis, Health Attaché, Permanent Representation of Greece to the EU
European Parliament:
Marian Harkin, Antonyia Parvanova & Claudette Abela Baldacchino

Open Discussion

Full report: report IG 20131217 WHO Mental Health Action Plan


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