GAMIAN-Europe in European Congress of Psychiatry 2024: Mental Health open and inclusive!

The 32nd European Congress of Psychiatry will take place 6-9 April 2024.

Under the theme “Mental Health: Open and Inclusive!“, the Congress captures the essence of contemporary mental health discourse.  It emphasises the comprehensive spectrum of mental health, from prevention and resilience to the management of specific conditions.

It highlights three core aspects of modern psychiatry:

  • Mental health, as a broad dimension from mental health prevention and resilience building to the treatment of specific disorders.
  • Open refers not only to our fundamental human rights but also to open-mindedness and curiosity for novel approaches and ideas.
  • Inclusive implies welcoming and respecting differences between people.

Together with Local Organising Committee Chair Professor János Réthelyi, there will be the chance to connect with both longstanding colleagues and new acquaintances, broaden your professional perspectives, and enjoy the beautiful city of Budapest in the process.

GAMIAN-Europe will attend the Congress, seeking to promote patient voices and patient-centric models of mental health in an open and inclusive society.

Find out more on European Congress of Psychiatry 2024 #EPA2024 here



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