Financial information
Independence & Transparency
GAMIAN-Europe follows the principle of non-interference of any funder (public or private) or sponsor in GAMIAN-Europe’s activities.
This explains how GAMIAN-Europe works with partners that provide funding to support the implementation of our annual workplan and activities.
GAMIAN-Europe funding derives from a small number of sources, including the membership fees, EU Research Initiatives, pharmaceutical industry, and other donations. It is a broad-based organisation, which represents the interests of persons affected by ill mental health and advocates for their rights. Our projects are focused on a wide range of mental health conditions.
In order to make funding partnerships work in practice while to ensure the integrity of both the parties and to demonstrate that our relationships are absolutely scrupulous, GAMIAN-Europe is committed to the principles below:
- GAMIAN-Europe ensures that the projects are supported by a consortium of partners, and that no individual company/organisation provides more than 50% of the annual income in one year
- Before the finalisation of a partnership, there is an agreement between the supporter and GAMIAN-Europe, outlining the nature and amount of funding and the period covered. The funding sources are acknowledged to the relevant publications of each initiative/project and the funding details (amount/sources etc)are included in the GAMIAN-Europe Annual Report. The Annual Report is published on our website prior to the Annual General Assembly of the following year where the yearly financial audited report by a professional accountant and an auditor would be reported by the treasurer
- GAMIAN-Europe retains the right to take up to 20% of funds raised for a particular project/initiative as an administrative fee for coordinating the activity, and covering core costs
- GAMIAN-Europe is subscribed to the EFPIA code of conduct (laid down by statute) on working with patients’ organisations in relation to any funding received from the pharmaceutical industry whilst also building in the above principles adopted, and other relevant European codes