The co-chairs of the European Parliament Interest Group on Mental Health, Well-being and Brain Disorders, the Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks-Europe (GAMIAN-Europe) and the European Brain Council (EBC) organised on 13th July 2016 the Interest Group ‘Mental health and brain disorders: Ensuring joint EU and national level action’ at the European Parliament
One of the strong reasons for organising a meeting on this topic was the fact that, earlier this year, the European Joint Action on Mental Health and Well-being came to an end, resulting in a Framework for Action on mental health across the EU. In order to provide a follow-up to the Joint Action, the Commission has announced the ‘stronger involvement’ of the EU-Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-being, which identifies and disseminates European good practices in mental health and organise reports and events.
While GAMIAN-Europe and the EBC warmly welcomed this planned follow up, some critical questions remain as to how the Compass will implement practical change, good policy and practice development. Concrete policies and strategies now need to be put in place at national level for this purpose.
GAMIAN-Europe and the EBC believe that, through the various actions already that have already taken place – not only in the Joint Action but also in the area of EU-funded research – the foundations have been laid for more ambitious and structured actions, which will actually engage the relevant policy makers as well as other stakeholders (e.g. patients). Both organisations are advocating specific national activities in their (complementary) fields of interest It is therefore essential to work together to this end, in order to find the synergies and amplify each other’s voice.
The objectives of the meeting were threefold:
- To raise awareness of the need for specific national action on mental health and brain disorders
- To be informed of the activities of the EBC with respect to National Brain Plans and GAMIAN-Europe’s
outline for a EU Action Plan on Mental health
- To have an exchange of view between stakeholders on how to ensure that mental health and brain disorders can be further advanced at EU and national levels
To download the full report please click here
13.00-13.15 Introduction by the co-chairs and other MEPs present
Nessa Childers MEP
Marian Harkin MEP
Sirpa Pietikainen
Mental health and brain disorders in the context of the chronic diseases approach
Herta Adam, European Commission, DG Santé
Addressing brain health in a holistic manner – A call to action
Frédéric Destrébecq, European Brain Council
Working towards a National Brain Plan – An example from Poland
Marek Plura MEP
An EU Action programme on mental health and well-being
Raluca Nica, GAMIAN-Europe
The health professional’s perspective
Marc Hermans, UEMS
14.25-14.45 Audience debate
14.45 Conclusions and close