European Parliament Interest Group on Mental health, Well being and Brain Disorders
Tuesday 24 April 2012
Mental Health and Well-being in Children and Adolescents
Introduction by the Interest Group Co-Chairs
The evidence and knowledge base: mental health disorders in children and adolescents in Europe
Michael Fitzgerald – Department of Psychiatry, Trinity College Dublin
Testimonial: ADHD in day to day life Hilary Luxford – Parent
How to help adolescents in crises? Veronique Delvenne – Université Libre de Bruxelles
Policy response: what can the EU and nationals policy levels do?
European Commission perspective:
Sergej Koperdak – DG Education, Head of Unit Youth Policy
Isabel de la Mata – DG SANCO, Principal Advisor
Member State perspective:
Teresa di Fiandra – Italian Ministry of Health, Joint Action on Mental Health
Conclusions and close by the Interest Group Co –Chairs
Full report of IG meeting: report IG 20120424 CAMH