New horizons for person-centered mental health research and care – REPORT


A meeting of the European Parliament Interest Group on Mental Health, Wellbeing and Brain Disorders has been held in the European Parliament on 3 December focusing on person-centred mental health research and care.

In recent years, issues related to mental health care and services have increasingly been part of EU and national research agendas. In parallel, the notion and importance of person-centred mental health services has gained ground.

There is general consensus on the crucial importance of this concept: all mental health stakeholders – e.g. patients, health care professionals, policymakers, care and service providers – agree that person-centredness is essential if appropriate. Effective  and high-quality mental health care services are to be developed and delivered. And indeed, a number of recent and current  EU-funded research projects explicitly take into account this perspective.

As the EU is about to embark on a new, comprehensive and large-scale research programme, the Interest Group, GAMIAN-Europe and the EPA believe that the time is ripe to organise a policy event with a specific focus on person-centred mental health research and care.

This event aimed to:

  • underline the importance of person-centred mental health research and care and increase the visibility of this topic;
  • exchange views on how a person-centred perspective can be ensured in EU funded and other research addressing mental health;
  • inform about ongoing research focusing on mental health in a person-centred way;
  • stimulate discussion amongst stakeholders and forge links for future cooperation;
  • underline the importance for Horizon Europe to take person-centredness as a guiding principle for future EU-funded mental health research.
Date: 3 December, 15.00 – 18.00

Part 1: A focus on policy
Chairs :
Tomas Zdechovsky MEP
Silvana Galderisi, President, European Psychiatric Association

15.00 – 15.20 Welcome and introductions
Prof. Silvana Galderisi, European Psychiatric Association

15.20 – 15.35 Horizon Europe:
An opportunity to shape person-centered EU care policies and programmes
Wolfgang Burtscher, European Commission, DG Research

15.35 – 15.50 The view of the European Parliament
Tomas Zdechovsky MEP

15.50 – 16.15 Panel response: (chaired by Marian Harkin MEP)
Prof. Silvana Galderisi, President, EPA
Hilkka Kärkkäinen, President, GAMIAN-Europe
Miia Männikkö, President, EUFAMI
Frédéric Destrébecq, Executive Director, European Brain Council

16.15 – 16.40 Q&A and audience debate

Part 2 16.40 – 18.00 A focus on implementation
Prof. Philip Gorwood, European Psychiatric Association, President-elect

16.40 – 16.55 Is research in mental health addressing person-centered outcomes?
Dr Michela Tinelli, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

16.55 – 17.30 Panel discussion: Patient-centred mental health research and implementation
Prof Tamas Kurimay, Chair of the Council of National Psychiatric Associations
Prof Heleen Riper, University of Amsterdam
Erik Van der Eycken, GAMIAN-Europe
Milan Popovic, European Commission, DG CONNECT

17.30 – 17.55 Q&A and audience debate
17.55 – 18.00 Conclusions and close
Prof Silvana Galderisi, European Psychiatric Association
Prof Philip Gorwood, European Psychiatric Association
Hilkka Kärkkäinen, GAMIAN-Europe

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