A meeting of the European Parliament Interest Group on Mental Health, Wellbeing and Brain Disorders has been held in the European Parliament on 3 December focusing on person-centred mental health research and care.
There is general consensus on the crucial importance of this concept: all mental health stakeholders – e.g. patients, health care professionals, policymakers, care and service providers – agree that person-centredness is essential if appropriate. Effective and high-quality mental health care services are to be developed and delivered. And indeed, a number of recent and current EU-funded research projects explicitly take into account this perspective.
As the EU is about to embark on a new, comprehensive and large-scale research programme, the Interest Group, GAMIAN-Europe and the EPA believe that the time is ripe to organise a policy event with a specific focus on person-centred mental health research and care.
- underline the importance of person-centred mental health research and care and increase the visibility of this topic;
- exchange views on how a person-centred perspective can be ensured in EU funded and other research addressing mental health;
- inform about ongoing research focusing on mental health in a person-centred way;
- stimulate discussion amongst stakeholders and forge links for future cooperation;
- underline the importance for Horizon Europe to take person-centredness as a guiding principle for future EU-funded mental health research.
Part 1: A focus on policy
Chairs :
Tomas Zdechovsky MEP
Silvana Galderisi, President, European Psychiatric Association
15.00 – 15.20 Welcome and introductions
Prof. Silvana Galderisi, European Psychiatric Association
15.20 – 15.35 Horizon Europe:
An opportunity to shape person-centered EU care policies and programmes
Wolfgang Burtscher, European Commission, DG Research
15.35 – 15.50 The view of the European Parliament
Tomas Zdechovsky MEP
15.50 – 16.15 Panel response: (chaired by Marian Harkin MEP)
Prof. Silvana Galderisi, President, EPA
Hilkka Kärkkäinen, President, GAMIAN-Europe
Miia Männikkö, President, EUFAMI
Frédéric Destrébecq, Executive Director, European Brain Council
16.15 – 16.40 Q&A and audience debate
Part 2 16.40 – 18.00 A focus on implementation
Prof. Philip Gorwood, European Psychiatric Association, President-elect
16.40 – 16.55 Is research in mental health addressing person-centered outcomes?
Dr Michela Tinelli, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
16.55 – 17.30 Panel discussion: Patient-centred mental health research and implementation
Prof Tamas Kurimay, Chair of the Council of National Psychiatric Associations
Prof Heleen Riper, University of Amsterdam
Erik Van der Eycken, GAMIAN-Europe
Milan Popovic, European Commission, DG CONNECT
17.30 – 17.55 Q&A and audience debate
17.55 – 18.00 Conclusions and close
Prof Silvana Galderisi, European Psychiatric Association
Prof Philip Gorwood, European Psychiatric Association
Hilkka Kärkkäinen, GAMIAN-Europe