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Brain Awareness Week 2023
Brain health is a critical part of our overall health. It underlies our ability to communicate, make decisions, problem-solve and live a productive and useful life. The brain processes around 70,000 thoughts per day and it is, not surprisingly, interlinked to our mental health and well-being. This guide offers top tips for supporting your brain health and is focused on: Sleep and Relaxation, Mental Fitness and Social Interaction.
The top tips illustrated in this guide have been co-created with GAMIAN-Europe members who have lived-experience with a range of different mental health conditions1 . The quotes included here were gathered from a workshop convened in February 20232 . This guide also includes supplementary material drawn from scientific research.

There are six globally recognized pillars of brain health which are: Sleep and Relaxation, Mental Fitness, Social Interaction, Food and Nutrition, Physical Exercise, Medical Health. However, in this guide we will be focusing only on the first three pillars:
Sleep and Relaxation
Mental Fitness
Social Interaction
Check out the guide below
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