Declaration of honour With the presentdeclares its willingness to be considered full member of GAMIAN-Europe, in the respects of its constitution and objectives.We apply for a full membership, and solemnly declare that in the board of our associations patients are represented and in our activities patient involvement is guaranteed.The organisation must be patient-driven. This means that the needs and views of patients drive the organisation’s strategy, policies and activities in a significant way and that the organisation is capable of representing the needs and views of these patients.Among the organisation’s voting members and the organisation’s governing body patients (A patient is defined by GAMIAN-Europe as “a person with mental health problems”. GAMIAN-Europe aims to be representative of all patients regardless of gender, race, class, culture, religious belief, age, sexuality or lifestyle)., patient representatives (A patient representative is defined by GAMIAN-Europe as “a person that is significant for a patient or their care, who can represent that patient, for example a partner, parent, family member or close friend”) or patients’ organisations are represented.The organisation can demonstrate that it has a governance structure which ensures that patient involvement i.e. the needs and views of patients drive the organisation’s strategy, policies and activities in a significant way and that the organisation is capable of representing the needs and views of these patients The governing body of [name of the organisation] has approved this declaration and endorsed the vision and mission of GAMIAN-Europe.Please leave this field empty.