BELGIUM | Ups&Downs | Rebecca Muller | rebecca.muller@skynet.be |
Men’s Health Forrum | Ian Banks | ian.banks@emhf.org | |
CROATIA | HUPS – Croatian Soc. for Suicide Prevention | Elvira Koic | elvira.koic@vt.t-com.hr |
DUGA – Family organisation of Croatia | Zora Cazi-Gotovac | ||
SVITANJE SUNRISE Association for protection and promotion of mental health | Ana Milun | ana.milun@zg.htnet.hr | |
Sladana Ivezic | sladjana.ivezic@bolnica-vrapce.hr | ||
SUSRET | Ada Stojanovic Babic | ada@udruga-susret.hr | |
PALIA | Branka Kandić-Splavski | brana.amb@gmail.com branka.kandic@dz-osijek.hr | |
VRAPCICI – Organization for improving mental health and quality of life of patients with psychotic disorders and their families | Dubravka Ergovic Novotny | dubravka.ergovic@sb.t-com.hr dubravkaergovicnovotny@gmail.com | |
LUKJERNICA Association for protection of Patients rights and improvement of mental health and quality of life | Jadranka Vlatko | lukjernica@hotmail.com | |
MAQRIMO – WE CARE – Society for improvement of mental health and quality of life | Marjana Valasek | branka.kandic@dz-osijek.com.hr
| |
CYPRUS | Advocacy Group for the Mentally Ill | Elise Torossian | agftmi@cytanet.com.cy |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Czech Mental Health Association | Michael Balaban | info@capz.cz |
Jan Martínek | jan.martinek@capz.cz | ||
Association Kolumbus | Lucy Ripova | lucie.ripova@seznam.cz | |
Jan Jaros | jan.f.jaros@seznam.cz | ||
DANMARK | Danish Depression Association | Karen Margrete Nielsen | info@depressionsforeningen.dk |
Anxiety Association | Marie Särs Andersen | marie@angstforeningen.dk | |
LAP Syddanmark | Minna Holm-Nielsen | minna@lap.dk | |
ESTONIA | Estonian Mental Health Association | Urve Randmaa | urve.randmaa@mail.ee vtyl@hot.ee |
- Argentina Bipolar Foundation of Argentina Republic www.fubipa.org.ar
- Argentina FUBIPA
- Armenia People with Mental Disorders and Their Relatives
- Australia Reconnexion
- Australia Mental Health Coucil
- Brasil ABRATA www.abrata.org.br
- Canada The Mood Disorders Society of Canada www.mooddisorderscanada.ca
- South Africa Compulsive Disorder Association of South Africa
- South Africa Central Gauteng Mental Health Society
- Uganda Community Mental Health Initiative Uganda (CoMHI Uganda).
- USA Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
- Venezuela FUNDABIPOLARVE Caracas – Venezuela
- Mrs. Gunilla Agebrant (Sweden) g.gebrant@telia.com
- Mr. Mark Aguis (UK) Mark.Aguis@blpt.nhs.uk
- Mr. Micke Camfjord (Sweden) mike.camfjord@telia.com
- Mr. Carlos Enrech Mere (Spain) carlosenrech@ya.com
- Mrs. Olena Korniyeyeva (Ukraine) kornyeyeva@rambler.ru
- Mrs. Gael Lindenfield (UK) gael.lindenfield@blueyonder.co.uk
- Mrs. Mari Macauley (UK) dovemanager@leedsmind.org.uk
- Mrs. Susan Marvel Denton (UK) marvelsusie@aol.com
- Mr. Sergey Morozov (Russia) sergei-morozov@mtu-net.ru
- Mrs. Lilian Ownes (UK) lilianowens@hotmail.com
- Mrs. Alessandra Regalia (Italy) alessandraregalia@virgilio.it
- Mr. Mike Titterton (Scotland) miketitterton@hotmail.com
- Mrs. Petra Videmsek (Slovenia) petra.videmsek@fsd.uni-lj.si
- Mrs. Nadya Valentyuk – Shevchuk (Ukraine) shevchuk@kiev-chamber.org.ua