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Quality of life beyond a diagnosis
Duration: 1 year (2019 – 2020)

Quality of life is a broad topic that encompasses a range different of areas such as life satisfaction, and multidimensional factors that include physical health, psychological state, level of independence, family, education, wealth, religious beliefs, a sense of optimism, local services and transport, employment, social relationships, housing and the environment.[1] It can be influenced by cultural perspectives, values, personal expectations, and goals.
For people diagnosed with a mental health problem, especially those with a severe and enduring condition, quality of life, including what it means and how to achieve it is key to leading a fulfilling life. To some extent mental health services have begun to move from a focus on reducing a person’s symptoms to thinking about well-being and functioning.[2] For someone diagnosed with a health problem, quality of life will also be affected by their acceptance of their condition and their ability to manage any negative thoughts and emotions about that condition.
The main objectives of the project were to understand and raise awareness of:
- The perspectives of patients and significant others (e.g. carers, friends, family) and their experience of what impacts on and improves their quality of life, including areas such as their physical health and well-being, family, education, employment, wealth, and the environment where they live/work.
- The approaches used by patients with regards to self-learning, self-care, self-management and self-healing. This includes what a person finds helpful through their own discoveries, which can be shared with other patients and healthcare professionals.

Individual stories
Along with a mini-documentary, the guide and Adriana’s personal story (all below), there were graphics made by experts by experience to depict their stories.

“I was starting a new life”

“I made a career out of my illness”

“Don’t let it define you”

“Talk about it”

“It made me the person that I am now”
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