EU Research >


The Inter-Active Living for Mental Health (InALMH) project aims to contribute towards the development of an upgraded Policy Framework in the form of Recommendations for EU Guidelines for the use of Sport/PE (=Physical Exercises) on Mental Health and to create an Interactive Platform (IP) for the collection, the organisation and the dissemination of information concerning the PE Practices providing free access to all interested parties and individuals together with the enhancement for the development of new practices.
The IP is a structured WEB space that includes – a Digital Library where the evolutions and updates related to the wider area of Active Living for Mental Health would be hosted and communicated – an innovative Practices’ Generator Tool (IT application) in order to enhance and promote the actual use of Sport and Physical Exercise for the benefit of the Mental Health by generating new customised practices. – a User’s Online Forum for the mobilization and participatory involvement of professionals and stakeholders of the two fields.

The target groups of InALMH are – Sport/PE and Mental Health professionals – Sport/PE entities of all sectors – Mental Health organisations and services providers – EU institutions and networks – State and Local authorities / services – Educational Institutions – General public.

Significant emphasis is placed on the impact of EU co-financed projects and on ensuring that what they produce will be widely known about and widely used. The results generated, lessons learned and the experience gained by the project should be made available to the widest possible community.

The objective of dissemination and exploitation is to maximise the impact of project results by optimising their value, strengthening their impact, transferring them to different contexts, integrating them in a sustainable way and using them actively in systems and practices at local, regional, national and European levels.

GAMIAN-Europe has a significant role to play in the Workpackage ‘communication & dissemination’, looking after the use of an appropriate language for MH organisation and general public. (e.g. prevention of stigma)


18 months | 2020-2021






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