Campaigning for dedicated European Year for Mental Health
Organised by GAMIAN-Europe
10 Nov 2020
Virtual Meeting
In a virtual meeting of the MEP Alliance for Mental Health, held on the 10th of November 2020, representatives of mental health-related organisations and MEPs underlined the need and voiced their support for a dedicated European Year for Mental Health, to be instigated in the short term.
The meeting brought together a small group of relevant organisations to have a first discussion on the potential aims, content and strands of action of a European Year for Mental Health. Discussions also took place on the actions which should be taken to best advocate to ensure that such a Year will become a reality as well as the potential roles of the various participating organisations can play in this campaign.
MEPs Alviina Alametsa, Estrella Dura Ferrandis, Radka Maxova, Alex Agius Saliba, Tomas Zdechovsky and Stelios Kympouropoulos all welcomed the initiative to campaign for a Year and explicitly howed their support and commitment to ensuring that it becomes a reality.
Details regarding the discussions and next steps are available in the meeting report.