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Patient-clinician experience in schizophrenia


Understanding and managing agitation


Patient-clinician experience in depression

The issue of mental health difficulties among LGBTQIA+ youth is complex and urgent. These young people often face more challenges than their cisgender and heterosexual counterparts, especially when it comes to mental health conditions and a higher risk of suicidality.

Patient charter for the rights of people with schizophrenia


Schizophrenia companion guide I: continuity of care


Quality of life: beyond a diagnosis

Quality of life is a broad topic that encompasses a range different of areas including things such as physical health, psychological state and much more. For people diagnosed with a mental health problem, especially those with a severe and enduring condition

Schizophrenia companion guide II: continuity of care

GAMIAN-Europe produced the Schizophrenia Companion Guide in 2016 as a tool for mental health patients, their families and their carers to understand schizophrenia, its symptoms and treatments. The guide is an essential document that explains the condition in a clear and understandable language

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Rue du Trône 60, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium