Global Alliance of Mental Illness
Advocacy Networks
10-year anniversary celebrations of the Estonian Mental Health Association.
Gamian-Europe Regional Seminar Tallinn, 13-15 June 2007
”Promoting and Protecting the Rights of the People with Mental Disorders”
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Welcome Dinner and barbecue with music
Visit to the Song Festival Ground and Kadriorg Park (midnight stroll)
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Seminar Opening Session
Welcome by Gamian-Europe President Dolores Cauci, Malta
Opening Address by EMHA Chairman Urve Randmaa M.A., G.-E. Board Member, Estonia
Plenary Session
Introduction by Urve Randmaa, EMHA
Keynote Presentation:
“Promoting and Protecting the Rights of the People with Mental Disorders” Paul Arteel, Gamian-Europe, Lawyer, BM, Belgium
11.50- 11.00 Discussion
11.00- 11.30 Mental Health Services on Community Level
“Involvement of Mental Health Service Users and Families”. Tallinn Mental Health Forum. Mrs. Malle Ojamaa, main specialist at the Department of Social Welfare and Healthcare, Tallinn City Council; and Mrs Urve Randmaa, EMHA, Estonia
New perspectives of Gamian-Eeurope and the Richmond Foundation of Malta. Foundation experience, Mrs. Dolores Cauci, Malta
Double diagnoses (drugs and mental health problems). Ms. Marju Kiipus, Editor of the Health Promotion handbook, Estonia.
Visiting the Tallinn Double Diagnoses Centre
Friday, 15 June 2007
Introduction by Urve Randmaa, EMHA, G.-E ,BM
“Socially sensitive company. Patient-supportive programs” Ely Lilly Estonian Branch, Mrs. Chris Ellermaa, regional manager for the Baltics
“Mental Health services in Finland” STAKES
Discussion Groups: “Patient expectations of promoting the mental health system and services”, and Feedback from groups
Visit to the Tallinn Mental Health Centre, Tallinn Haabersti Club House .Closing session in Club House.