GAMIAN-Europe participated in the Young European Greens event “Mental Health is Political”

On 11-13 November, the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) organised a three-day event in Brussels to talk about mental health and raise awareness about the need of integrating mental health into policy areas beyond health care. The event had the participation of young political activists from 30 European countries.

GAMIAN-Europe was part of the 15 civil society organisations that participated in the event giving the organisation the opportunity to learn about young groups’ perspective of mental health and present GAMIAN-Europe’s work to the young public.

The event had the participation of MEP Kim Van Sparrentak and MEP Thomas Waitz from the Green European Party. On the final day, the FYEG organised a panel discussion with China Mills, senior Lecturer in Public Health and researcher in global mental health & welfare system-related deaths and Mina Jack Tolu, trans activists and committee member of the European Greens.

It was also the opportunity to present the outcomes of a year work and the social media campaign “Mental Health is Political” which was supported by Finnish MEP Alviina Alametsä and Swedish MEP Alice Bah Kunkhe.





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