GAMIAN-Europe Endorses EPP’s Petition for EU Year for Mental Health
Following the latest success of the European Parliament parliament voting in favour of protecting workers' rights from technostress and over-connection and thereby safeguarding their mental health, a new mental health focused initiatve backed by the...
Mental health in the digital workspace: Resolution adopted
On Tuesday the European Parliament voted to put preventative measures against technostress and over-connection in place as well as boost the benefits of working from home so as to safeguard mental health. They voted 501 in favour, 47 against and 85 abstentions....
MEP Alliance for Mental Health: Latest meeting report is available!
On the 10th of May, 2022 the MEP Alliance met to further discuss the implementation of a Euopean year for Mental Health. The meeting was chaired by MEP Tomáš Zdechovský. The main focus of this particular meeting was had its theme around the priorities &...
Mental health in the digital world of work: Don’t miss the report
On 27 September 2021, the MEP Alliance for Mental Health and the Coalition for Mental Health and Wellbeing took part in a virtual expert meeting aiming at gathering experts' opinions on the issues that should be addressed by a European Parliament Own...
‘Mental Health is everybody’s business’ MEPs and stakeholders
In a statement sent today, 40 MEPs and over 120 concerned individuals and organisations call on the European Commission to designate 2023 as the European Year for Mental Health, in order to ‘Make Mental Health Everybody’s Business’.Press release ...
A year for mental health is needed: GAMIAN-Europe to the EU Commission
‘Empowering people affected by mental ill health’
Making mental health everybody’s business: Campaigning for a European Year
Press release Brussels, 23 March 2021In a meeting of the MEP Alliance for Mental Health, held today, some 100 representatives of interested EU and national level organisations and MEPs...
Written questions to the Commission: Mental health as a priority
EU Year for Mental Health’s campaign is moving forward
Press release Brussels, 10 November In a meeting of the MEP Alliance for Mental Health, held today, representatives of mental health-related organisations and MEPs underlined the need...
MEPs write about mental health and COVID-19
MEP Alliance for Mental Health co-chairs (Alex Agius Saliba, Estrella Dura Fernandez, Radka Maxová, Maria Walsh, and Tomas Zdechovsky) recently published an article in the Parliament Magazine on the need to recognise and act to prevent the exacerbation of mental...