Breaking Depression

Breaking Depression is a pan-European health awareness campaign aiming to raise awareness of the challenges of living with different types of depression, including major depressive disorder (MDD).

Mental illness is one of modern society’s biggest public health problems. It’s likely that you know someone affected by mental health illness. One in four people will be personally affected by mental illness, such as depression, during their lives. However, it can be difficult to understand the devastating impact that conditions such as depression can have on people’s lives and how to really support and care for that person. 

The campaign, initiated by Janssen in partnership with GAMIAN-Europe (Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks-Europe), aims to raise awareness of the challenges of living with depression, including MDD, one of the more severe forms. By taking the time to understand more about the different types of depression, including MDD, and encouraging people to get support, together we can help break miseducation and misconceptions, break stigma and ultimately break depression.

Kintsugi is a Japanese art of repairing broken objects with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold. Translating as ‘golden joinery’, kintsugi treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to conceal. 

The kintsugi process is a powerful metaphor for the journey faced by people living with MDD. By acknowledging that the repair process is complex, taking each broken piece one at a time and not concealing the cracks, we can help improve the lives of people living with this mental health condition.

The campaign reveals eight works of kintsugi art, inspired by stories from people living with MDD. Their stories reveal that with time, care and patience, people with MDD can begin the healing process.

The kintsugi artists behind the eight works of art featured in the campaign are British-based Billie Bond and Johanna Okon-Watkins.

Make a real difference by helping to spread the word about depression and MDD and follow the conversation on social media with #BreakingDepression.

For more information on the Breaking Depression campaign visit today and share your support on your social channels.

If you’re worried about your own mental health, or someone else’s, you can find more information and support from  GAMIAN-Europe’s member organisations. In an emergency situation, get help immediately by calling the emergency services or your local mental health helpline.

If you want to help GAMIAN-Europe, please donate by transfering your gift on the GAMIAN- Europe account


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