Meeting of the Interest Group on Mental Health, Well-being and Brain Disorders in partnership with the MEP Interest Group on the Brain Mind and Pain
12.00hrs Arrivals and Registration
[Note: Please assemble in the foyer of the ASP Building before 12.00hrs to be escorted to the meeting room, where a sandwich lunch will be available]
12:15 hrs: Networking Lunch
Chairperson: Ann Little, President, European Federation of Neurological Associations
13.00hrs Opening Address: Marian Harkin, MEP and Interest Groups’ co-chair
13.10hrs OUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF STIGMA What stigma means to me and my family: What should be done?
- THE PATIENT: Liisa Mikkonen, Vice-president PAE, Person affected by chronic pain
- THE PARENT: Andrea Bilbow, OBE, Parent children affected by ADHD
- THE CHILD: Emily Benson, Daughter of person affected by Dystonia
13.40hrs THE EVIDENCE OF STIGMA Prevalence & impact of stigma in the wider patient community: What can we do?
- BRAIN: EFNA Patient Experience Survey, Prof. Matilde Leonardi, Neurologist, Besta National Neurological Institute
- MIND: GAMIAN-Europe Pan-European Stigma Survey – Paul Arteel, Executive Director, GAMIAN-Europe
- PAIN:Patient Pain Pathway Recommendations – Joop van Griensven, President, Pain Alliance Europe
14.10hrs Keynote Address: Jürgen Scheftlein, DG-Santé
14.20hrs Presentation of Interest Group Dzaft Workplan to Tackle Stigma of Neurological and Pain Disorders – with comments from MEP co-chairs and the audience.
15.00hrs CLOSE
full report: click here